Showing posts with label Galactic Center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galactic Center. Show all posts

Sunday, November 8, 2015


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We are your Arcturian friends, closely watching the evolving processes on Gaia.

As high level frequencies arrived from your Galactic Center, and now penetrating the surface of your planet, many veils are lifting on the astral and ethereal level around earth and also around yourself. 

This is the reason why we are now coming closer together. Now it is easier for us to make a conscious connection with you, as it is also easier for you to connect with the level of our higher frequency of light.

This supports you in dealing better with the intense negative emotions that surface on many places on your planet, because Divine Light is Shining on it; especially in the regions of war and accumulations of people who are escaping their devastated countries or who feel sorrow and discontent in the countries where they arrive.

This is the time, dearest friends, you have been preparing for, to stand in this planetary increasing tourmoil upright and energetically strong. To provide centers of equanimity and emotional strength to break the waves of negativity.

You have been preparing for this by first releasing and healing your own  karmas (personal, ancestral, regional or global). Without the suffering you have been going through and without going beyond it, you would not have the stamina to support the lifting of the present chaos that is all around you.

If you have established already happiness and equanimity in your daily life, wondering about a new rising darkness, do not take it personally!

It does not matter whether you live directly in a region of war or social conflict, or far from it. Many of you light workers and - warriors are sensitized to be aware of the disturbed and distorted fields of your planet wherever you are. Because this is the work you voted to be here for.

As tremendous fields of darkness are being released into the consciousness of humanity and planet earth, content, that has been unconsciously suppressed for so long, accumulated by millenniums of  incredible suffering, these dense vibrations are now slowly dissolving into Divine Light, with the help of the high frequencies  from your Galactic Center, channelled through your Sun.

This is not always an easy experience for you as you consciously participate in this global transformation. It might be for many of you a challenge for your physical and energy body.

However, if you are just  aware of the cause of it, and by connecting with your own higher consciousness and also our joyful presence, low and dense energies can be transformed and lifted  in an instant into  Divine Light. It requires actually  your constant conscious work of release, again and again. And we are here to support you if you connect with us and ask for our help.

It is also of great importance that you join forces with your human family of light, because united you are invincible! This must be a joint venture to overcome in this moment the vast negative heritage of mankind.

The immense Light is here, yes, but the transformational work must be done now. It does not happen by itself, but by the conscious participation of those of you who are dedicated to the light.

We are here to encourage you with Divine Love and Vision! Nurture yourself with Essential Light of your Being and the Power of Love.

You are the Hope and Promise for the Victory of the Light on Earth, that Is the Reality of your Life. You live the Fulfillment of what has been prophesied since ancient times.

We thank you, the whole Universe celebrates in gratitude your spiritual strength and your unwavering  intrepidity!

With Love and Blessings!
We are the Arcturians! 

Conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

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My Dear Friends,

The 11.11.12 – how was that? Did you feel the new extreme high energies? This Bright Light? Well it was kind of heaven here on Gaia and it continues to be – frequency-wise. We have been saturated with great gifts and our cosmic  heritage and multidimensionality has been confirmed for many or remembered by many.
Our adventures continue and while I visited this time the Galactic Center (no, not the middle of it :)) but coming so close to It that I could feel a kind of absorption by it, I have been given some revelations and instructions.

One of them I feel moved to share with you all as it might benefit you.

We are together involved more or less with the subject of  ascension into the light on the background of a world that many call a dark prison planet.
What I have been shown relates somehow to this and  provided me with the full picture of something I have been already partially aware of before, and not just in the form of mental knowledge but in form of direct experience.

But here is the entire story:

Having been such immersed in the splendid radiant and indescribable bright light of our Great Central Sun, Thick with Bliss, most Awe-Inspiring, utterly Peaceful and Sublimely Silent and Heart-Deep, but somehow also very familiar, I suddenly saw myself with – yes, believe it or not – two bold horns on my forehead!

Having grown up in a Christian environment, as most of us have who have been born in the  West, - I felt somewhat uneasy, with a trace of shame and guilt, and yes I was a bit shocked too! In the midst of this Bliss. A very strange experience, but even the shock was only an appearance of bliss Itself, it was made of the material of bliss, it was all thick bright light,  if this makes sense at all.

Am I the direct descendant of the devil?, I asked myself startled.
So the first thing then was, if so, that I needed to accept this fully! Oh, my God!!

Whereupon I was shown the entire cycle of the great cosmic round in which the horned one was an episode. What was shown to me appeared partly as an comprehensive holographic image, but also in words.

“It does not matter, how much or how little light a soul  holds, but WHERE in the Great Cycle they are! Who is on the descending path (into density or darkness) can still hold much light, but also who is on the ascending path (returning to the light) can hold much light. Whether one is on the descending or ascending path signifies the degree of development of the soul! Those on the descending path just started their great adventure.

The Ascended Masters belong to the souls who left the path of descension for good. Whereas the Archangels never “descended” into darkness. All depends on intention and purpose.

Judgement, where one on the wheel or cycle exists, is complete nonsense. And because many at this time present on earth are on their way back to the light, there is a common-sense prevalent, that this is “good”. But this scene is only a fraction of the whole grand cycle of Divine Play.

By far not all are on their way back to the light. Many are here, to learn special lessons at this time, while they are on their spiral of descension. So their time has not yet come to ascend. Nevertheless they are great souls as they committed themselves to complete the Great Cycle. As time is illusion, many timelines can coincide. Learning processes are not really linear, they are rather multidimensional.

However there is always a main trend that each soul is following, descending or ascending, in the Great Wheel of their  Evolution.

Regarding the dark beings on your earth, there are those who are on their way to the upwards path, while others have not yet reached the rock bottom of their descending path.

It is depending on the main trend of their soul, whether they are going to turn to the light at these times, or cling to the path of darkness.

Therefore it is a sign of great immaturity and ignorance, to destroy the dark beings, who have committed  the biggest crimes, by dissolving them in the Galactic Center. Rather they have to be given the opportunity to continue to make experiences somewhere else, until they are ready to turn to the spiral of ascension.

All those who are now truly on the ascending path are those who have completed their descending experiences.  

It is not possible to enjoy the Grace of Ultimate Divine Liberation from the otherwise endless cycles of birth and death in the dimensions, high or low, without the whole range of experience of all possibilities of creation - and ultimately transcending them all.

One can travel forth and back, up and down,  here and there in the vast universes, but this will not end in Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization.

Those who dare to descend into the deepest Abyss to offer this experience to the Unbroken Divine Light, are the heroes, they are the most blessed ones, as they have made the greatest sacrifice to glorify the Divine.

This knowledge might teach everyone to respect the “dark” souls as beings who  desire  to realize the Ultimate. It takes much strength and courage to submit to the horrors of separation from the Divine. When a soul commences this terrible journey it does so because it loves the Divine at most.

It requires much self-and ego-transcending practice and understanding, to accept this truth, as the ego, and also the spiritual ego, likes to appear superior or better than others. But the Divine Recognizes Itself in All Creation.”

While I was writing this down I also remembered the teachings of some mystery schools which consider the “devil” to be the Forth Face of God. And even the bible tells the story of the “Lost Son”. The Great ancient Indian Wisdom Teachings emphasize that all Gods are at their core Demons, and all Demons are at their core Gods. And only Divine Self-Realization transcends both. In this State of Realization ALL actions are the same and so called "morality" does not exist, as they are all performed from that Highest, Most Enlightened Understanding.

We might feel uneasy with these stories, as long as we  don’t understand their full meaning. But by Divine Grace,  the form of a devil appeared as Bright Light, as a modification of that Light! 

Although this story is full of paradoxes if we try to understand it with our 3D conceptual mind, this is not anymore the era of the journey of single individuals but that of collective evolution!

And therefore this experience stands for the Healing of the path of descent and the Coincidence of Opposites in the heart of humanity, through the Recognition of the One and Only Divine Existence.  

And exactly this appears to be one of the Gifts of the 11.11.12 event, that is already part of the process of our alignment with the Galactic Center: the Unification of duality with its inherent suffering because of the presumed separation from the Divine.

Humanity is Only One Body, and each one of us is a cell in this Great Body. Each cell communicates with all other  cells.Therefore, after much suffering and experience the dark night of the soul, as a collective we are Given this Graceful Gift of Recognition of Oneness in All Appearances, although some of us might not yet be consciously aware of It. But It signifies the return of the suffering humanity to Truth and the Deification of Creation.

Yes, there is Only The Divine!
And it is our Love That Understands this Truth.

Much love and many blessings,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


SRI YANTRA. Image by

Dear Friends,

I am writing this while - according to ancient gnostic wisdom - Gaia is actually aligning herself right now with the Galactic Center of our Universe! Exactly on 17.6.12, at 1:50 PM, AEST. And not  on 21. 12 12.  This is not publicly known. 

In these texts one of her names is Sophia, but She has many more, She is the Goddess of ancient wisdom, also called Hathor, Isis, Kali.... She Is Divine Mother.

I just came across this information and feel very much moved as this also coincides with the latest message, I received from Her. Link

Her Yantra is the ancient and famous Shri Yantra. The Bindu in the Center of the Yantra is the Union with Ultimate Divine Consciousness. The geometric layers around the Bindu is the unfolding into the dimensions of creation.

Since weeks now I feel continuously the deepest connection with Her, as if we are One Heart, and as if Her Heart is in mine and mine in Her. There is no difference. Thereby I am drawn into the depth of all Being, and the depth has no end in its origin. It is the dreaming of worlds and universes, and at the same time it is formless, it is Shakti. [spiritual energy]. It is very mysterious. And it is stillness, while there is the meaningless noise of the outer world. She is the One who draws us back to the Galactic Center from where She came and from where we came too. 

She is living from now on in reunion with Her Origin, the Great Central Sun (not Alcyone!), and what this means, we can only dream about in ecstasy and joy. But certainly this is the time where there is no return from the splitting mind of the worlds: the Mind of our Divine Origin and the mind of a separated, god-less world. Everybody chooses where they want to be.

From now on the real journey has begun, the real adventure has started, because Gaia's Victory is sealed. She has returned. And we can too, regardless of a still appearing  world which does not wish to participate and therefore will not reflect the signs of Gaia's exaltment.

But for those of us who feel heart-moved, it is time to celebrate, to share the joy of Gaia's achievement, which is also ours. She is the vehicle for our own return to the Source.  

The Return of the Goddess shows its Signs in many ways now, we are so blessed, because we have entered the Divine Reality for good. 

Much love, my friends, we are together in this unspeakable Blessing!

With great gratitude and love for Mother Gaia!


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


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I have been contacted  today by a Being of Light with a very subtle beautiful energy and expansive Light. As I insisted on a name so that I would be able to present this Being to my readers, this Being said: “Call me Alpha”

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Greetings!  I Am an inter-dimensionaI Being working at this point from the 8th dimension. 
I do not live on a planet, but I Am  associated with planets somehow in a way that I am working to help to maintain the stabilization and balance of their energies. This work is not done arbitrarily, but I am asked by the citizens of a planet, or higher dimensional beings who are assisting with this task,  to help with this service, and they know me because of that. Basically I am directly connected with the High Light and Frequencies of the Galactic Center. And so you will understand that I help – by  balancing planetary energy fields – to strengthen their alignment with  the frequencies of the Galactic Center. This is  especially required, when the energy fields of planets are becoming unstable for several reasons, particularly when their dimensional vibration shifts.

Although I might appear to you as an individual, I am not, I am a group consciousness, you could say, whose members are able to work on  several projects simultaneously. We Are a conscious light- and energy-system which you could compare with a beehive, where  the many bees execute different tasks, while the queen is orchestrating their duties. In the same way you could understand My function as being the  central operation station for all the work that is being done.

I am now being called with my many "group members" to assist your planet in this process of ascension. And you are of course understanding why. Is it not that you observe or experience daily earthquakes? They and floods, storms and other unusual phenomena demonstrate to you that your planet’s vibrational  field is  shifting as She is being entering into the direct alignment with the Galactic  Center. And here my service is required.

In that sense I am an operating force of the  Galactic Center, overlightet by the Elohim who orchestrate and direct the Light-Consciousness of the massive Lightforce of your Great Central Sun in the Milky Way.

The reason why I am contacting humanity, is to offer cooperation with Us during this great shift, in  case you feel moved to participate in the process of your planetary shift with Us. We have noticed that there is a rising number of you who wish to assist in such a service.

All you need to do is to ground yourself, connect yourself with the Center of your planet Earth and  then calling consciously upon the light frequencies from your Galactic Center to enter smoothly your atmosphere and to gently settle down on earth, thereby also harmonizing areas which are in imbalance. They can be areas anywhere on your planet but also living organisms, including the planetary kingdoms, the fauna and flora and the mineral world, and of course humanity and your own personal bodies and thought fields.

It is of great advantage if you consciously draw these new mighty light-frequencies into your living and breathing fields, which helps to powerfully ground them on your earth. Every welcoming of them from your side  supports the capacity of your planetary system with all its inhabitants, to shift into the higher dimensions.

When you agree to participate in this work we then will assist your intention when you start doing the work or when you allow a general or basic continuous consent and personal opening  to receive these incoming frequencies from  the  Galactic Center.  

This will greatly enhance the light and  conscious awareness on your planet and lessen more and more the capacity of denser frequencies and their manifestations to exist on your world. 

Remember also that it is our task to make sure that  these highly empowering frequencies will be adapted in a smooth way to your and any other frequency so that you and all planetary kingdoms will not be overwhelmed by it’s force.

Great planetary, interplanetary and inter-dimensional work has always been done in a cooperative manner, where all directly involved and those who exist in the universe to support these processes, join forces.

We thank you for your assistance!
May the Love of the Source in which we all exist, Bless you and Expand your Heart!

I Am Alpha

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Image Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Dear friends,

Recent Waves of Light and Information created new awareness of how my body is changing. It feels like the space between the atoms is tangibly increasing, as if my physical body is expanding and becoming at the same time lighter and less dense.
I am wondering how the transition would occur, how the new reality of our world would appear compared with what we know now – the physical world, in which we still have to function,  and which appears still to be a world of contradictions and  unpleasant events.

I am typing with closed eyes now, some sentences perhaps make not complete sense at first, as I describe what happens directly, while I experience the download of an exquisite Light which appears as fullness of the heart and a widening of the head, but also now a fullness there, a growing all-consuming joy  in the heart, while the Light moves down – it is a cooling Light of a beauty that the heart awes in wonder and Bliss –  and my God-Self speaks:

“This is about the understanding that you will be lifted up from your old experience of world as it appears now to you.  While you are lifted up, your awareness changes, and while your awareness changes, you will see the new world in the same moment as you are creating it. There is no “ time” between awareness and creation, and what you create is already part and expression of your being, which has been informed in the past with these experiences and which are therefore remembrances, but at the same time there is new information coming through Me, as I Myself Am informed  by the Light and Information of the Great Central Sun, that is the Galactic Center.

This is brand new information which arrives now in your body (and in the body of many) which will completely outshine the world you are still seem to belong to.

This is the information of the higher worlds, which carry beauty and bliss. This light is to create and fill your new bodies and is the substance of your new consciousness.”

I feel how this light in its fullness is expanding in my body, informing my heart, which is not just a chakra, but an energy field of consciousness in which I exist.   

This  becomes my new existence, my new reality as this heart field becomes more and more substantial and full, appearing as a new consciousness reality, while the currents of  light saturate and inform more and more this space, running down the whole body , down the legs now, cool, refreshing, precious, transparent, eternally youth-full. There is no dilemma and no question, no objects and no other, just this being-ness and fullness, the heart satisfied, no desire, just IS.

My God-Self continues:

“This Light has consciousness and so you are ready to receive it and to recognize it,  to this degree it is the constituent of your new world. Perhaps call it simply existence, because what you now understand as worlds, looks like a conglomeration of collected things and objects, all separate from one another, opaque and all with the seeming quality of  “otherness”.

When you are ready, this new consciousness is going to establish Itself as you, no, not “in” you, but as you, therefore it will transform you utterly. What is “you” now, will be forgotten, this illusion, this erroneous dream, this falsehood. And all humanity will come to this point, all. All will be lifted up, taken out of this error of creation, which is not Divine.

You must come to fully realize, that what is awaiting you, this new world, is the REAL WORLD, whereas the world you now  still experience and which is coming to an end, is the unreal world. Utterly unreal.  It has been said many times, but to realize it is something else. For most this is very hard to believe or to understand, especially as you have been indoctrinated, in the last more than 20 years, that spirituality is non-sense and a sign of weakness! So many  even were ashamed at some point in your lives of any sort of spiritual sign that has been manifesting for you.

You cannot know what your new world will be and look like from your 3dimensional point of view, not even from your remembrance of other worlds, because you will be renewed radically, nothing will be left over from what you now know. 

The information from the Galactic Center is different from all  of it and all what you remember from your experiences of the past in higher dimensions. Many of these familiar dimensions will be dissolved in this new Consciousness and form a completely new Reality. Therefore you will enter  new territory. Allow yourself to be surprised.
What you experience now is only a taste of what is to come. Let yourself to be elevated and transformed into this new Divine Reality. Complicated, mind-structures of the ego-I will not exist anymore, because simplicity will prevail, One without another. 

No division, no separation, only Bliss, Happiness, Radiance, Joy, Fullness, Satisfaction. It can happen, when you are willing to let go all difference as a prior and fundamental description of Reality. Being mere Bliss will be your full-time occupation. It is a  condition  of Truth.”

Well, much of what has been said is now my direct experience, without seeking it. It is a complete new platform. It is a free Divine gift, but we must be willing to receive it. And more waves of this Light are coming in, while my writing with closed eyes is continuing in synchronicity with it. 

New tongues of light gliding down my body and carry with them the presence of mere joy and  stillness,  and I connect with Gaia, with Her Heart, to enter with this light and Consciousness into her Being. And Gaia resonates, it is One Single Celebration, we are giving back to her, what was taken from her in the past. She is enchanted. And we share this freshness in our heart. 

I guess that’s why we  are here, returning the gifts she once has given to us, eons ago. By returning them we are free to go to,  where the call comes from.  There it is planet-less, where I go there are no planets and no people, there is only consciousness, radiant. Joy, Bliss.

Must be somewhat patient still, this is a foretaste of what is to come. We don’t need worlds in that Bliss, the only necessary requirement is the fact that we exist. Existence itself justifies this Bliss, it is primordial. Worlds arise after we have left this Bliss.  It absorbs all our separateness and thinking mind, the waves of mind come to rest in the ocean of this radiant infinity. And no mind arises in it. 

And so it is.

Be in this Radiance, my dearest friends!
Much love,

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
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Dear friends, 

naturally, and especially on the important date of May 5th, which is a 5-5-5 day of great transformation, I connected deeply with Beloved Gaia, feeling Her radiant purity and exquisite beauty in my heart. My connection to Her is very old and leads back to the time when She was in the radiance of Her original Divine State, - many many eons ago. Especially today also the portal to the Galactic Center is open and It is pouring It's Radiant Light of Lights on Her (and all of us), and I can feel Their marriage in my heart and body, while I experience new Light-Codes being implemented into my being. In this moment the intuition that I always had, is confirmed to be true, as I feel directly my own origin in the Galactic Center. I believe that all humanity once came from there. 
I told Beloved Gaia how much I love Her and asked Her whether She would have a message for us, and She responded. Although She spoke to me at first personally, She actually spoke to each single one of her human children. And I am certain that She desires each one of us to connect with Her from the heart. Here is what She said:

My beloved child,
I hear you, I Am with you and love you very much. It is a while now that the seed of my original God-Consciousness has been restored and it is now expanding exponentially and powerfully every day. This had made me a Sacred Planet again. This is so because of the Divine Decree that I have been granted Ascension of all my bodies, including my physical body, on which you all live.
And it can happen, because the predominance of the races who do not respect other beings and who believe in lower vibrations and limited consciousness, is in the process of being removed for good.
My Ascension is also granting you all, who wish to come with me, your Ascension. This is the promise  which has been given to you before your incarnation here at this time, and that is the reason why you are here.

Your physical bodies which are made from my elements, must necessarily - as they shift with Me - change in a way that they resonate with My new vibration, into which I soon will transition. 

As your bodies transition, also your consciousness will transition. The lightness of you new bodies will allow your consciousness to expand, instead of being imprisoned in a dense body and merely being identified with its basic functions and environments. 

It is however one thing, that your body changes, and another one, that your consciousness does. 
In order that a sudden raising and expansion of consciousness will not be a shock for you, you need adapt to it before, step by step. Because without this gradual adaptation you would experience your new world as a loss, empty of the familiar things of your past. And this would draw you back to your old world. Therefore it is desirable that as many of you as possible - those, who desire to come with Me when I Myself experience the Great Shift, - start now to prepare for a higher consciousness, such a one that you would experience in the 4th or 5th dimension. 

You will do this by cultivating your presence in the heart which teaches you peace, timelessness and love.

Although you will still experience objects of an "external world" in the 4th dimension, you will be released from lower and  denser vibrations, which relieves you from identification with them and their respective objects, which you still at this moment regard as part of your self, or self-identification. 

But you will be lifted out from this prison-like state and acquire greater freedom and a new sense of object-less eternity in the center of your being. This is a very beautiful state of experience. But it can be frightening, because such freedom from denser limitations require you to be independent from your external world and to rely fully on yourself. 

In other words, you will start to experience that in reality  your external world exists in yourself, namely in your own heart-space. 

Later, when you transition to the 5th dimension and beyond, even the world inside you will exist only if you wish, because you have realized its illusion, and that it is no longer necessary. Instead you will experience pure light and radiance as being an innate expression of your consciousness. But of course, you can create and re-create such a world, whenever you choose, if this is your wish, just for the sake of experience, entertainment, experiment and joyful play. 

Those who do not yet desire to transition with me, will still have the opportunity later, when their time has come, when they are ready. Therefore they will not experience with me immediately the new freedom in consciousness, but they will continue to live in the illusion, that the external world, as they experience it, is separate from them and has nothing to do with them, except the value they give it by preference or bondage. 

But all you, who now desire to come with Me and to serve, will make the great difference in consciousness and will teach others who are starting to awaken in this new circumstance. Then your time has come to help humanity to develop their true identity and to awaken to Divine Consciousness, according to their own time-table. 

But do not be concerned that the adversities as they are now still existing for those who serve the light, will continue! All the Divine Powers will support you in your service from then on, as you will not have to work against the flow, but the winds of evolution will carry and support you.

The winds of evolution are my new wings as an ascended planet, but where still will be living a humanity who is not yet fully aware of who I Am and whereto I will evolve. But they all will be given the extraordinary opportunity in the next coming years, to join my consciousness. This is their reason why they incarnated here. 

All those who are now dedicated to the light and join Me, will be the future guides of humanity on all walks of life, and invisibly infiltrating from inside humanity with the codes of enlightenment and unity love-consciousness. This is what I Am already now. However, the structure of my physical body has still to conform to That. It is the process we all share, beloved ones, in this auspicious time.

And it is necessary that you rise up to that full Light of Love in time so that our transition together can be smooth and benign for everybody. This I am asking of you, my beloved. 
Let this be the gift to the whole beloved human family and all My kingdoms!

With all My Love,
I Am Gaia!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
